Can I Have Refractive Eye Surgery When I’ve Had LASIK Before?
Written by Polly Neely
Business Development Officer
Are you waking up and realizing your arms are not long enough to read your book, phone, magazine or menu in a dimly lit restaurant? Do you experience trouble driving at night because of glares or halos? If your answer is yes, you may be thinking, “I don’t understand how this could happen because I had (Radial Keratotomy)RK, (Photorefractive Keratectomy)PRK, or Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) 30+ years ago and have enjoyed 20/HAPPY vision until today.
So, you are probably asking what the heck happened and what can I do about it. If this is the case, it may be time for you to begin exploring new vision correction options.
Perhaps you are now approaching your 40s or 50s+ and are among a demographic group of post-refractive patients needing refractive surgery again. Most likely you are experiencing presbyopia, (short arm syndrome) or cataracts (if we live long enough we will all have cataracts).
You probably had a great experience the first time you received vision correction and want to get back 20/HAPPY vision again. We want you to know there is an answer for your visual dilemma and you have options.
No matter that you had previous refractive surgery, RK/PRK/LASIK, you can be eligible to have your vision restored once again. New technologies and options are ever-evolving and constantly improving, introducing new vision correction options just for you.
It is important to stay educated on new technologies and options to maintain that clear vision, but it can be difficult to stay in the know. Ophthalmology is an ever-evolving field which means the industry is constantly improving and introducing new vision correction options. Today, we offer a wide range of services/procedures, such as, ICL (implantable contact lens), FYL (forever young lens), and many different cataract surgery options for those who are aiming to maintain visual freedom. To learn more about our options, register for a webinar on our site or check out our services available to you.
You are not alone in this process. If you are someone who has had LASIK, PRK, or RK in the past and would like to learn more about your vision correction options, give us a call at (615) 434-2541 or email us at for more information.