Ophthalmology is a branch of medicine and surgery which deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders. An ophthalmologist is a specialist in ophthalmology. They do not only deal with the eye but also deal with other visual passageways, the brain and other areas around the eyes. They are fully licensed to perform eye surgery for corrective measures and to also examine, diagnose and treat various eye disorders such as glaucoma, retina disease or cornea diseases. Moreover, they are authorized to prescribe medications, eyeglasses and contact lenses.
The doctor should have an educational background and the required credentials such as a license of practice.
A fully accredited ophthalmologist must have undergone four year training in college, four years of medical training, one year internship and a hospital based residency in ophthalmology for a minimum of three years.
The next factor to consider is experience, most people prefer experienced personnel since they are proficient in various procedures and diagnoses of eye conditions.
Choose an eye doctors who has handled volumes of procedures and has been in practice for many years. This is recommended since such professionals are able to identify eye disorders and resolve them appropriately. Select a doctor who offers the best patient care.
Check the doctor’s advertisements and confirm with other clients who have been treated by him or her. Ask about the technology used, whether he or she is conservative in eye treatment and the type of care provided; whether it is pre-operative or post-operative. Etiquette and convenience is also an important factor. This can be analyzed through the treatment you receive from both the doctors and the employees from the eye care centre you approach. Lastly, ensure that the cost is affordable and also the ophthalmologist accepts insurance participation.