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VCC Free Vision Consultation: A complimentary refractive consultation is an effective way to acquire new patients while conserving the practice’s time and resources. Schedule the prospective patient in 30 min increments. Patients will interact with a refractive counselor, testing technician, and OD or MD. A Refractive counselor will greet and engage the prospect in a conversation where lifestyle, medical history are obtained. A testing technician will perform simple ARK, Topography, and Lensometer. Upon completion, if they meet simple criteria for a refractive procedure, the MD or OD will see the patient to review the preliminary findings of information obtained and present a refractive option. The free consultation will end with a refractive counselor giving educational materials and videos, answering patient questions, and if applicable, assisting with financial approval. The next step is to schedule them for a complete comprehensive dilated refractive exam.